VIRTUAL Sewing Machine Lessons
during Covid
Our Virtual Sewing Machine 6-Pack For Beginners is a great introduction to the sewing machine for kids ages 8 - 12 and covers:
1.Getting Ready To Sew
Positioning the cameras for virtual learning
Setting up the sewing space
Setting up a new sewing machine
2. Getting to know your sewing machine
Safety in the sewing area
Sewing machine anatomy and functions
Threading the machine
Winding the bobbin
Inserting the bobbin
Testing and troubleshooting
3. Introductory Felt Pouch
Straight stitch
Back stitch
Sewing straight lines, pivots and curves
Hand sewing a button
4. Selfie Tote Bag
Cutting fabric
Constructing straps
Attaching a pocket and pocket flap
Putting all the components of the bag together
What do I need?
1. We recommend that you purchase the Brother CS6000i sewing machine (approx $150 on Amazon). If you don't have this machine please contact us so we can see if the machine you have will work for our program.
2. To ensure good visibility for both instructor and student you will need 2 cameras and a tripod, positioned so that we can see the student's face and also what they are working on.
Is there anything else I need?
An adult must be available at all times in case help is needed.
How much does this program cost?
$595 for 1 student, plus $50 materials and tools, plus $10 shipping
(2 students is $395 per student plus $50 materials and tools each, plus $10 shipping each)
What's included in the price?
1. 6 x 90 minute sessions with a live instructor (we will coordinate with you to make a schedule. In the case of 2 students both students must attend the same lessons.)
2. Materials & Tools (Introductory Felt Pouch, Selfie Tote Bag, Button, Scrap Fabric, 1 Spool of Thread, Fabric Scissors, Seam Ripper, Hand Sewing Needle, Needle Threader)
3. Shipping
1. Why is it better to purchase the machine you recommend?
Learning to use a sewing machine can be tricky and in order to make the learning process as smooth as possible we recommend the machine that we use in the videos. The Brother CS6000i also has a speed control which is an important factor when a child is using a sewing machine for the first time.
2. My child already knows how to sew on a sewing machine so do you have any other sewing machine programs?
That's great! Please contact us to discuss options.
3. Do you teach virtual sewing to adults?
Please contact us so we can discuss options!
4. Do you ship overseas?
Sure! Please contact us so we can figure out the extra shipping costs!
5. What if my son/daughter is not 8-12?
We have designed this program for kids between ages 8-12 as we feel that a child younger than 8 is not ready for virtual sewing machine lessons, a studio lesson would be advised in this case. The sewing projects are age-appropriate and we feel too young for anyone older than 12.
6. What if I only want 1 lesson?
Please contact us.
Disclaimer - Sew Happy Sewing, Inc. is not responsible for any accidents that may happen during the assigned sewing lessons. If there is an issue with the student's sewing machine which can't be resolved during the designated lesson time it is the responsibility of the student's family to repair the machine before lessons can be continued. If a different machine to the recommended machine is used, Sew Happy Sewing, Inc. is not responsible for any time lost due to issues related to the machine. All lessons will be recorded by Sew Happy Sewing, Inc.